Friday, March 13, 2009

Cramer Vrs Stewart ...Not. Stewart Dismantles CNBC

What do you get when you lie to people then condemn them for being gullible enough to believe you? Exposed.

This was not a fight. This was an educated and mature discussion with some mature language in which Jon Stewart stood up for every American and shows Networks such as CNBC is more interested in reporting instead of investigative reporting.

Didn't you wonder how the housing market could go on forever instead of bubbling like the Internet and other bubbles? We all saw this coming. We are NOT in a recession. We are in a depression. call it mild, call it severe, I don't care what adjective you use to describe it, but we are in a depression. We have paid the price for allowing so many people in power destroy the fabric of our nation. From businesses, politicians and here in this example ...the media.

We are being lied to everyday people. It is up to you to use your head and not just drink the cool-aid without asking what's in it.

What is your 401k or long term stock worth now? Is it your fault? For the common American investor, the answer is "Hell no!" Yet you now have not only lost your investment, you my have lost your job, home and more.

I am NO fan of comedy central's Daily Show. I think it is agenda based in many areas and like other media outlets that are unbalanced, I can only take so much BS before I tune out. But to see Jon Stewart approach this point without malice and good intent was a reminder that somehow, some way good journalism (from a comedy network of all things) does exist.

I mean think about it. Do you even watch the national network news at 6:30 pm each night? They offer us 22 minutes of news. They don't offer much between commercials for pharmaceutical companies. You get one if any 'investigative reporting segment' per episode. The rest is national weather, and fluff. "Person of the Week" is perhaps the secondary investigative piece, go figure. The worst is we get short sound bites, visuals without anything to focus on and most of all, agenda based political reporting. It is no wonder the Internet has pounded the news print advertisers into the ground. Who is going to give us the truth when we need it?

For now check out all three parts of this Jim Cramer and Jon Stewart interview. You should walk away with a better understanding that God gave us instincts for a reason. Use your head people. And good luck with so much against us.

-Lars Hindsley

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