Monday, March 23, 2009

What Men Really Think: Spanish Man Pregnant!

It's a great headline, Spanish 'man' Pregnant. Give me a break. Men cannot bear a child. A woman can bear a child. But a woman that changes her anatomy and had hormone injects can legally call herself a man is still a woman. Now don't think I hate transsexuals. This is not about hate, it's about being honest.

In the news this week a 25 year old Spanish woman ...I mean 'man' claims to be pregnant with twins. Shouldn't the headlines read a man whom claims to be woman is with twins? Ruben Noe Coronado Jimenez (Estefania) is now going back to treatments to restart his her ... er.. his? menstrual cycle. But to impress us all, he/she he has grown a beard. It's all in the marketing folks. Looks like duck, quacks like a duck, must be a duck?

Coronado retained female status to undergo fertility treatments. Oh ... so he is a she? So why not stay a she? Nah... she wants to carry the baby as a man. And why? What will that prove? One word folks... narcissist. How can I say that? Well, consider this quote from Jimenez, "It's like being born with three hands. You take advantage of them while you have them and you get rid of one of them when they get in the way."

Where is the sanity in the media these days? Am I the only person willing to report the truth? This is NOT a pregnant man. The last Asian woman that had a sex change (in part) operation is still not a man. Women are women and men are men.

What would constitute a real sex change? You know... when they can get the uterus, and everything reconstructed.... When a man can generate his own egg... When a couple can copulate and and the woman that is now a man can do the entire thing naturally ...come talk to me about a man being pregnant. This woman calling herself a man is a just another transsexual that started as a woman carrying a baby.

Want a guy to really be impressed? Have a man born a man carry a baby in his abdomen for the nine months necessary, cut him open and produce a baby... That's news. That's a pregnant man.

These ridiculous trans gender stories of pregnancy belong in the supermarket counter trash news. Hey live and let live, have the baby but don't call yourself a man when you are a woman. It can't be any more simple.

So which one of these lovely people in the photo above is Ruben Jimenez? The one on the left. Transsexuals can go bald? Maybe he really is a man.

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