Thursday, March 26, 2009

pcm's 'POP-IN' With: Jerad Finck

Independent Washington-based pop-rocker Jerad Finck recently chatted with our writer Kristyn Clarke about his music career, a new album and much more! Check out his music at his MySpace page to learn more about this new artist we're promoting!

Now, read on and get a feel for what Jerad Finck is all about:

Q: We see that you're ready to head back into the studio and start recording a follow-up to your debut album, what should fans be expecting this time around?

A: "I've done a lot more writing. I'm trying to get better as an artist."

Q: You just finished up a 40 city tour, what was that experience like?

A: "The most grueling experience of my life. A lot of fun! I saw about 38-39 states, saw a lot of the country. It was crazy and a great time. We'd play a show then drive 7 or 8 hours and do it all again. We broke down at the Hoover Dam one night and was stuck there for hours one night! We'll do the next tour in late spring/early summer."

Q: What is the writing process like for you? What inspires you?

A: "It can be any kind of moment. I try to capture just little snapshots of life. Reading a book, watch someone kissing their girlfriend, you know?"

Q: Where do you see the future of music heading and where do you see yourself in that picture?

A: "The pool of musicians has gotten so huge with things like MySpace, anyone can be a musician. People just aren't really buying CD's anymore either, it seems like the death of the album. I hope not. I hope that people keep writing great records. I just try to create something that will be around for a long time. "

Q: How would you describe your music to a first-time listenener?

A: "I definitely am more pop-rock, I think. I like energy in my music. I like bands like The Beatles, Sister Hazel and Green Day that are more upbeat."

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