Thursday, March 26, 2009

No. Really?

In other Lindsay Lohan news, she seems to have made yet another enemy in Hollywood. I know, shocking, right?

See, earlier this week, Long Island's favorite trainwreck told Nylon Magazine that she is thinking about giving up acting in order to do more modeling, claiming that it’s really “fun” for her, and “doesn’t feel like work” at all.

Well, model Tyson Beckford had a few words on that topic. He thinks that the only thing Lindsay knows how to do like a model is party.

Beckford, who attended a Make Me A Supermodel bash Tuesday in NYC, told, “She has the partying part down right. But I don’t think she’s got the focus. I mean, it requires a lot of focus and a lot of people think they can do it, but they really find that it’s a lot harder.”

Added the model, “Ask anyone - it’s a lot harder than it looks. I guess that’s why they call us supermodels - we make it look easy. But it’s not as easy as it looks, so I wish her all the best.”

Well, he’s got a point about Lohan’s lack of focus, and let's not even get started about her lack of looks. Once upon a time, Lohan was a VERY pretty girl, but drugs and hard partying pretty much flushed those down the toilet.

Still, being a model -- while certainly entailing much more than sitting in front of a photographer's lens -- is NOT that difficult. What's difficult about it? You wake up, get pampered, complain about your oh-so-tough life, obtain an entitlement complex, "date" a musician or two, party like the world's going to end, then marry yourself off to a rich sugar daddy when you turn 30, only to cheat on him with Mustafa the 18-year-old buff French poolboy because J. Howard Marshall doesn't lay the pipe properly (and who does, really, at 60-something years old).

You want a truly hard job?
Try being a fireman.
Or a police officer, or being in the military.
Better yet: How about you try obtaining a PhD -- y'know, READING A BOOK with words that are a little bit more profound than "Pat the Bunny," or a BOOK that doesn't have pictures of rail-thin carcasses wearing ridiculous clothing that cost as much as a monthly mortgage payment?

Somehow, strutting down the cat walk in beautiful clothes doesn’t strike me as all that difficult when compared to, say, running into a burning building, or stem cell research for Alzheimer's Disease, or risking your life on a battlefield.

Sorry, Tyson. Nice try, though.

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