What do you get when you cross incredible stamina, stunning muscle definition and classic looks? When you are Alison Carroll a former gym receptionist with gymnastic training, you take on the role of a lifetime: Lara Croft.

As the gaming franchise Tomb Raider continues to thrive, models continue to ride its coat tails. Alison Carroll follows other live appearance models, the first being Rhona Mitra (97-98), Nell McAndrew (98-99), Lara Weller (99), Lucy Clarkson (00-02), Jill De Jong (02-04) and Karima Adebibe (06) and now 23 year old Alison Carrol from Croydon U.K.
You could count Angelina Jolie of course and there is also the unofficial Vanessa Demouy and Brazilian version of Lara Croft: Ellen Rocche.
Alison reveals in a recent Sun interview that she is available and while marriage proposals are slipped to her often, she insists on a picture if you are going to take a shot at her.
"I've had about seven marriage proposals. I get handed all these little notes. In my holsters are these little pockets so I put them in there" She continues, "People have given me things in French, German, all sorts of languages, but what they need to do is leave me a little photo. I see so many people, so with a photo I could remember them. I keep getting fan mail which is quite surreal." Clearly Alison knows she won't be Lara Croft forever. I like a woman that looks to the future.
We've assembled the past official Lara's for you. Do you know who is who?

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