Is this the same woman? 51 Year old French model Inès de la Fressange hit the runway with youthful smile and it's big talk of how this older woman looks so young.
But that is it folks. Looks... Sorta... Kinda... Well if you keep the camera at a distance. Looking young on stage and then looking young off stage are two different things.
Am I picking on her? No. I applaud her for taking the limelight. But I also think of the vanity and egotism it takes to be a model. That element of narcissim leaves her open to criticism. If she is going to step forward with the claim of youthful looks, then she really should have them. Naturally. Inès is no Raquel Welch who is now 68. That's 17 years older and still way hot. Here is one of Raquel with make-up and without. You be the judge.
So remember in the words of Martin Fry of ABC, "She may look pretty but there's make-up on her face"

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