It appears PCM was on the front end of the news this past week readers when we posted the story about Jessica Simpson being fat: Jessica Simpson Eats Tony Romo. I myself took the position that Jessica Simpson got fat. Now the latest rage is to catch more photos of Jessica Simpson looking fat.
Many other bloggers and gossip sites ran with it, and will continue to run with it.
But what of the mainstream media? Like E! and Entertainment Tonight. They took the so-called high road and defended Jessica. Well, here is the truth. Not really. Let's face it. Jessica Simpson put on weight and it is news. It's news because she has marketed herself as a vixen. When she loses that shape, men will notice. Editors and writers that are men, will comment. Even female editors that have it in for beautiful women that fall from grace will run with it; I believe you women have a term for that type of woman. Some of you are even foolish enough to be proud of it. I digress.
And what of E! and Entertainment Tonight? Oh... they notice too. They want to ride the wave of Jessica's increased size and proportions. They mask their goal of milking this news by playing the "good guy" card. In this case, trying to say that Jessica is not fat or finding other celebs to say Jessica Simpson is not fat. Of course they are obviously going to sympathize and say nice things!
But readers... if you want the truth, you don't ask any celebrity to tell the truth unless it paints them in a positive light. That is why E! and Entertainment Tonight didn't ask Howard Stearn for a quote. Nor did they ask me. But that is why you are here reading my column.

Here is the truth. Is Jessica Simpson fat? Well, but a man's standards she is not obese. But men are critical. On a whole. And while some men like women that are bigger or fat, most men look for a woman that has curves in the right places. Big chest, small waist and curvy bubble butts. Jessica lost that. For now. Maybe for good. But she is NOT the slender Jessica that was in the Dukes of Hazard. She isn't even the one before she met Tony Romo (QB Dallas Cowboys). Why she is bigger is her business. I really don't care. I never listened to her sing, and I don't know why she is even a celebrity other than her looks. The woman has been a stunner for years. It shows the level of mediocrity of what we Americans accept for entertainers in that we put more merit on looks than substance. There are great bands out there with no air-play while radio hands us music with no soul from pop divas.
Jessica Simpson got fat. And fat is a relative term here. Is she huge? No, of course not. But ask any guy at a water cooler if she is fat now and they will say yes. She was slender, now she's not. The short answer you'll get is, "she's fat" but it's meant as a relative term. It's how men's minds operate. Ask them in the presence of any woman, and they'll lie just like we do to our wives when they put on weight and ask is if they look fat in a dress.
But if you want the truth, you found it here. Men do think she got fat. And for her, that is her every reason for being on a stage or in front of a camera. With no dopamine triggering in our brains, we are more prone to actually expecting to be entertained. Dukes of Hazard defines that point. I mean tell me one song of Jessica Simpson's that has made top 40? Hell, tell me one song of Jessica Simpson's?
Do you expect me to brow beat this woman for putting on weight? No I won't. I'm just calling it like I see it. And to all you celebrities that are on camera and video defending poor Jessica, I get it. But don't think I don't know the truth. You will be at a party among friends saying the same damn thing as everyone else... "I can't believe it, Jessica got fat!" Hypocrites.
The only thing this type of news really does is pave the way for the next Jessica Simpson. So who is going to step up and take center stage? Lady GaGa? I hear she had a nose job. Pick, pick, pick.
And of course readers, if you want the truth you'll find it here at PCM. I for one won't run down celebrities without cause and will tell it like it is. Remember the name, Kitt Badlove. Stop back soon for another column of: What Men Really Think.
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