Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lost Star Matthew Fox dishes to Details Magazine

As Matthew Fox gears up for the penultimate season of ABC’s Lost as the tortured Dr. Jack Shepard, Fox continues to plot his escape in the January/February issue of Details magazine.

On Lost coming to an end:“Personally, it’s a relief...I owe this show a great amount, and I think it’s exceptionally good...[but] I am looking forward to the freedom that comes with not working on one project professionally.”

His plans to move from Hawaii to the mainland:“My major motivation is to be closer to family. My brother is there, my mother is there. We’re hoping to break ground in March, and it will be completed right around the time we’re finishing the last season of Lost in March 2010. I really miss that kind of wide-open space, and there’s a big part of me that wants the kids to live in that mountain air.”

On playing Dr. Jack Shepard:“When it’s all said and done, you’ll be able to look at the six seasons of Lost and see a pretty amazing character arc. Jack as been evolving, and not necessarily into a good place. We started the show with him being this hero who had no concept of what that required, sort of trying to live up to the expectations...and then finding the way to redeem himself.”

On how Lost will end:“This show started with a plane crash on an island in the South Pacific, and it’s going to have a very global and epic ending.”

Click here for more Matthew Fox goodness in Details magazine's video interview and take the quiz to find out if you can tell a Lost conspiracy theory from a real-life one.

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