Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How Long Do You Plan To Be Dead?

I figured I could get away with that headline in the weeks before Halloween, but if you have a family that depends on your income, I'll ask again...
How long do you plan to be dead? That was the headline for an ad that my business teacher (and part-time life insurance salesman) actually ran in my high school newspaper.
Personal experience, in the form of multiple heart attacks with my father, made it a concern for my entire family while still a teenager. He hung in there for nearly thirty years, but he was always literally a heartbeat away from the pearly gates.

People don't like to talk about it; even think about it, but if you have responsibilities like a family, you simply have to deal with it. You can get an idea of what the costs and benefits are without actually making an appointment with an agent online through companies like Lifeinsure.com.

Term insurance? Permanent Whole Life? It depends on you and your family's needs. Term is affordable for almost every American. Permanent life insurance can make sure your expenses are covered even after the much-needed income replacement while you have dependants living at home.

You can get access to life insurance rates and even custom quotes, anonymously without giving any personal data unless you wish to actually purchase insurance. You don't have to give your name or e-mail just to get the basic information, dreading the phone call from an agent. If you request an agent, you can be fully informed when he or she makes the call. www.lifeinsure.com is licensed in most states.

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