Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Branglina Is People's Family of the Year

People Magazine has declared Brad and Angelina Family of the Year and I couldn't agree more. In an exclusive interview Angelina Jolie opened up and talks about her brood with Brad Pitt and admits she's "the disciplinarian" of the family.

Jolie, 31, says that she and Pitt, 43, have different parenting styles when it comes to Maddox, 5; Zahara, who turns 2 on Jan. 8; and Shiloh, 7 months: "I am the disciplinarian," she says. "Brad can be, but if Z doesn't get the bottle from me, she'll very quickly run to Daddy."
Asked which of the three kids rules the Jolie-Pitt roost, she says, "I bet if you asked Brad, he'd say Zahara. Mad is very smart, but he's got a certain sense of calm. Zahara is possibly the funniest person I've ever met in my life. So dramatic and creative and loud and charming. She's definitely the biggest personality in the house."
As parents, what makes them most proud? "Somebody said to us recently that they were happy kids, and we talked about how much that meant to us to hear. And they're good kids. God knows how we managed to do that – but they're good kids."
Jolie admits that their humanitarian and film work creates a somewhat nomadic existence for their family. "It's hard, and maybe one day we'll have to stay in one place," she says. "I'm sure (the kids are) going to be 18 and say, 'God, I just want to stay in one place.' They'll never want to leave home!"

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