Monday, April 16, 2007

Orlando Bloom Does Details Magazine

Images have been removed due to owners request. You can check them out at

On being famous:
"There's all this noise that happens. I was 22 when I got The Lord of the Rings. Nobody tells you what it is like to be famous--there's no guidebook, you know what I mean?"

On his career:
"I have the patience to trust my own journey. Life is going to unfold as it should because life always does. If I'm true to myself, then all the rest is like, fuck it, man."

On being a Buddhist:
"The philosophy that I've embraced isn't about sitting under a tree and studying my navel, it's about studying what is going on in my daily life and using that as fuel to go and live a bigger life. When your girlfriend dumps you, when the bill comes through the door, and your mom calls you and tells you she can't handle the stuff in her life--that's hell, but that's just one world. If you are aware of what is going on, then you can grow and use that hunger, that fear."

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