While I am sure all of the Twilight fans are going wild over the film's (and Rob Pattinsons') big wins at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards last night, there was also a bit of drama that occurred during the broadcast that has everyone buzzing. Bruno, a.k.a Sasha Baron Cohen's entrance created quite a stir!
He flew in from the rafters above the crowd dressed as a naked angel! His behind was completely exposed! Then, let's just say he got to know rapper Eminem a bit more personally when his naked bum was lowered directly onto Eminem's face! It is debatable as to whether or not Em was in on the joke, but for the looks of things he appears to be genuinely angered and disgusted. After he and members of his entourage shoved Cohen out of the way, Em proceeded to stalk out of the awards hall with members of his posse in tow. (After the incident, Bruno announces that Zac Effron has won the award without listing what is was for, or the other contenders...the confusion on Zac's face was classic! )
Eminem doesn't seem to have much luck at MTV Awards shows, if you recall the rapper had a violent run-in with Triumph The Insult Comic Dog, and threatened physical harm to Moby back at the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards. If he wasn't in on the joke, then I say, leave Eminem alone, seriously the man has been out of the spotlight for the past four years, why mess with him now...aren't the antics getting a little old? On the other hand, if he was in on the joke, then he is definitely turning into quite the fine actor....see the clip below and let us know what you think: Scripted? or MTV gone too far?
by TheDlisted
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