Did she or didn't she? It is April Fools day you know.... From the "now I've seen everything" section of life, Lady Gaga was backstage in Canada this week doing a meet an greet when an adoring male fan pulled his best naked man stunt like move and asked her to please sign his willy.
In fact he didn't just ask. He whipped it out. Her reaction was true Lady GaGa. She signed it. "I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. Maybe it is still there - who knows? It was a permanent marker too!"
Did she care? "I feel embarrassed saying this but... I was doing a meet and greet backstage in Canada. I had enough room to write Lady GaGa."
Apparently this is the best way to meet her too since she is quite cynical to men approaching her and flirting. "I don't give them a chance to even try a chat-up line. I give them a good, firm, 'No!' before they even speak. I find that does the trick every time."
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