Our favorite narcissist and sycophant Nadya Suleman is the liar everyone suspected her to be. In Touch magazine did some investigative reporting and legwork proved in their interviews with other strippers that Nadya stripped (1999-2000) not for just the 'embarrassed to have worked one night' as she has repeatedly asserted. So much for "never having even kissed a boy." Nadya's done much more. It's reported that Nadya stripped for a year solid using the stage name: Angelina. That is 364 more days than Nadya claimed she worked as a dancer. No irony there considering she has also denied a fixation with the actress Angelina Jolie. Denial is Nadya's number one playing card.
Nadya has sold herself as a saint in the face of her narcissism, claiming she is ...well anything but what the world has seen her as. Suleman has made herself out as a victim, modest mother, down-to-earth, protective of her children, has a back injury (has received over $150,000.00 in disability from state of California), and just wants the cameras and attention to go away so she can raise her children peacefully.
However she has tattoos, used the welfare system and of course gamed the system to produce 8 children in her last litter alone, and of course has her own reality show in the works already recording and hamming it up for her own cameras. You have to wonder then why she would fire her Angels in Waiting nanny service right around the time she attempted to sell her life as a reality show to The Learning Channel. Now she has hired her own nannies but has been turned down by TLC for her reality show. So far some societal justice is served. In fact not only has TLC passed her up, UK production company Eyeworks has also recently passed on her.
Suleman has made herself the laughing stock of the nation, oblivious in her bubble. Seems she can forget her past but others have not. Fellow past strippers report that Suleman did use the stage name Angelina in her hopes to look just like her. Next should come the proof her plastic surgery was a 'vain' attempt to look like Angelina Jolie. Her personal letters that 'creeped out' Angelina Jolie are no help in her denials either.
The strippers that did recall Nadya were clear on their memory of her. Say's Sage (stagename) "I met her at an amateur contest, and we wound up doing parties together".

Backing up to Nadya's claim she was shamed to have worked as a stripper, even a limo driver (Luis Ceballos) recalls Nadya during her stripper days stating that Nadya "was full of herself", going onto say, “She was overly flirty with the guys we performed for.”
Suleman boasted to fellow strippers how she was consumed with being famous. It appears she wasn't lying about being 'consumed' with that goal. What a disgusting way to accomplish that goal. So far the only thing she hasn't sold her soul for is the offer by Vivid Entertainment to star in a porn video. Personally I think they just didn't offer her enough money, clearly she has a price. We are not out of the woods yet people. Nadya's publicist (yes she has one of those too--now) states she is in talks with as many as four more production companies.
I'm certain I have it all wrong over Nadya Suleman. If you disagree with me, just be sure to drop by her website and make a donation. After all, she is asking for them.

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