"Survivor: Gabon - Earth's Last Eden" has been plagued with several problems he told The Associated Press. Problems ranging from shipping errors to uncontrollable wildlife could potentially delay shooting that is supposed to begin next month.

"One aspect of 'Survivor' that is different from a lot of shows is that we have to ship throughout the season," Probst said. "We're about 30 days behind now, which is a major problem. We're going to be fine on the show, but the crew housing is not there. We're going to be in tents."
He also said that a crane fell over containing about $100,000 worth of food, and has since gone missing. Despite the setbacks, the lumber for sets such as Tribal Council and challenges has arrived.
Probst said the crew is unsure how to handle the wildlife.
"There's so much truly wild life out there, we're not sure what to do," he said. "We don't want the animals around for a safety reasons, but we'd love to have a hippo sneak in every so often. I just got a call from our executive producer that we've got hippo tracks at base camp."
With all the problems Probst is still confident the show will go off without a hitch.
"These things for us usually have a way of turning into good things."
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