New information on the Heath Ledger death is starting to break as time goes by and more investigation is taking place - police confirmed six types of prescription drugs, including a mix of anti-anxiety medication and sleeping pills, found in his Heath's SoHo apartment.
Even more interesting - Ledger's masseuse, Diana Wolozin, who found Heath in the apartment phoned Olsen twice before ringing 911. In the first call, Olsen told Ms Wolozin to wait while she sent some of her security people to the apartment to find out what was going on. Paramedics arrived at the same time as Olsen's security guards.
After failing once more to revive Ledger, the masseuse rang Olsen a second time to say she was going to call 911 for help.
Tests on a rolled-up $US20 bill found by police in Ledger's apartment proved negative when tested for illegal drugs. The most likely cause of death remains an accidental overdose of the anti-anxiety drugs. Stay tuned.
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