Lindsay Lohan has opened her Award Season with several nods - for worst actress. She received the nominations by the Razzies, an award show which recognizes the years' "worst" performances and actors, for her role in I Know Who Killed Me.
The film's 9 nominations leads the pack; it's also in the running for worst picture. In the movie, Lohan plays the characters of a stripper and an abducted girl, earning her two nominations.
"I Know Who Killed Me is the most fabulously brainless movie since Showgirls," said Razzie founder John Wilson to the Associated Press. "By the end of it, you still don't know what happened. Are they twins or aren't they? Did she imagine it? Can I please have my hour and 50 minutes back?"
Also scoring multiple nominations was Eddie Murphy in Norbit.
The List:
I KNOW WHO KILLED ME = 9 Nominations
Worst Screen Couple, Horror Movie, Screenplay, Director, Remake/Rip-Off,
Supporting Actress, Actress (2x), Picture
Worst Screen Couple, Screenplay, Director, Supporting Actor (2x) Supporting Actress, Actor, Picture
NORBIT = 8 Nominations
Worst Screen Couple, Screenplay, Director, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, Actor (2x) Picture
BRATZ = 5 Nominations
Worst Screen Couple, Remake/Rip-Off, Supporting Actor, Actress, Picture
DADDY DAY CAMP = 5 Nominations
Worst Screenplay, Director, Prequel/Sequel, Actor, Picture
CAPTIVITY = 3 Nominations
Worst Excuse for a Horror Movie, Director, Actress
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