Victoria beckham who already has three sons, is desperate for a daughter and believes adopting a disadvantaged child would be the ideal solution.
A source told Britain's Daily Star newspaper: "Victoria is desperate to have a daughter to be girlie with. She loves the idea of having a girl to dress up, play with and make the family less male-oriented.
"She's been spending time with Katie Holmes and seeing her little girl has made Victoria really broody."
Victoria's friend Jennifer Lopez has reportedly told Victoria about a Mexican organization which helps find homes for South American orphans.
If Victoria and her husband David do adopt they will be the latest celebrities to open up their home to a disadvantaged child.
Madonna has temporary custody of a Malawi baby boy, while Angelina Jolie is planning to adopt for a third time.
Victoria's spokesperson refused to confirm the reports.
She said: "Victoria and David respect people who do adopt but they're happy with their family at the moment."
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