In a recent high profile row, Ralph Lauren took flack for blatant outrageous Photoshopping of models. But this has not reformed the industry. Instead, magazines like
W have simply decided to jam more false images of how people look down our throats. After all, who is to stop them?
Check out what it appears to be 26 year old Anja Rubik's superimposed body... scratch that - her body was attached to Demi Moores for the sake of a better cover image. You have to wonder, did Demi even wear the same Balmain dress?
There h

as to be an extreme effort to put forth to take a woman that is 47 and make her look like a woman much younger. The answer may be beyond Photoshop, it could very well be full body replacement with the use of Photoshop. Representatives from
W claim 'nothing unusual' was done but of course that means nothing because Photoshopping is standard practice in the industry. The blogsphere has gone nuts questioning if the photo is retouched. This writer asserts the photo is both retouched with other significant changes.
The story is evolving by the minute. Demi being the high-tech tweeter has joined the fray and insists in a tweet:
Here is the original image people my hips were not touched don't let these people bullxxxx you!
I've always been a big Demi Moore fan. I mean no disrespect in any way, there seems to be a great body evidence (no pun intended) that the body in her photo is not her. Offering up a photo she received from
W magazine isn't the same as the original photo before any staffer touched it. Perhaps she can clarify this and put he matter to rest. Until then, a lot of speculation will continue. If nothing else people are becoming more aware of the antics magazines and advertisers pull and it does need to stop.
Until we figure the truth, here is the cover everyone is talking about. Let's just hope that until we do know the absolute truth, it doesn't sell a lot of magazines. If it is a true photo, then I say we reward Demi and the Magazine and all buy two copies.