PCM Reported this week that in Paula Abdul's departure from American Idol that both NBC and CBS were interested in Paula. In stand up interviews with Paula by Entertainment TV Paula said she was overwhelmed by the attention of who wanted her and she apparently was not kidding. Paula has added ABC to the list of networks wanting her onboard.
In the case of ABC, they want her for Dancing With The Stars, and if course that is a good fit for Paula as she was a choreographer for music videos before her own singing career took off in the 1980's.
ABC's Entertainment President Steve McPherson has put out there that ABC wants Paula for Dancing with the Stars saying, "We would love to have her on 'Dancing' (with the Stars) whether its as an contestant, or particpant , judge etc...," Continuing her praise, "There's a lot made about who she is."
Even Paula's own Fox rounds out the Network interest as they too want her for So You Think You Can Dance with producer Nigel Lythgoe even if was just as a guest judge. Paula has a lot to think about as she needs to strike while the iron is hot and cash in on her celebrity appeal.
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